Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas 2012

We had such a great Christmas this year at Nana and Papa's house. It has been so fun living with them. I'm serious. I will be sad to move out in the spring when our house is finished. The boys love it so much. We got some Christmas lights out for a few pictures.

This year for Christmas we took Cohen to see Santa twice. Once at Lipscomb and the other time at Green Hills mall. He asked Santa for "a guitar, big boy pants, and a wittle Chrissmas tree for my room." So sweet. We put a small tree in their room for a few nights but it didn't go over so well....for us. They would stay awake looking at the tree and talking about it for hours. The tree left after 3-4 nights. But he did get his big boy pants and a guitar from Santa.
Sutton got a Mr Potato Head and he loves it! Carries it with him everywhere... will spend 30 minutes playing with him on the floor..Nice for us!
I've got baby fever but Chad says "absolutely NOT now!!!" I'd have 5 kids if he would agree to it. That won't happen though.
But I am certainly enjoying each moment with these boys.
Well, that's a bit of a lie. Cohen is prone to tantrums daily before 10am. He is NOT a morning person. He morphs into this demon child for a bit. I am NOT enjoying those moments.
Happy New Year!!

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