Thursday, January 3, 2013

Oh, What a woman!

Chad's most wonderful grandmother Maxine passed away on Friday, December 21. She was the most amazing Christian woman I have ever met. She was 89 when she passed onto glory. She was still able to walk and drive until the end. She also maintained her mind which was full of humor and wit.
When she heard that Chad's brother Kyle and his wife Mollie were expecting a baby again, she said, "I hope the Lord lets me live long enough to hold that baby." The Lord honors those who are faithful to him, and Gigi got her wish.
Monday she went into the hospital with shortness of breath. She was not improving and the docs told the family that she wouldn't make it much longer. Wednesday she wasn't doing well, but then she learned that Mollie was in labor. She got a bit better. She ate some food, drank some water, and was talking more. The baby was born Wednesday night and she saw a picture of him and smiled. Thursday I was able to take our boys to go see her. She told them she loved them "to the moon." Friday, Kyle and Mollie were discharged from the hospital and went across the street to Baptist to see her. She held the new baby Hudson and they got a picture of her holding him. After they left, she took off her oxygen and said "I want to go home." She died surrounded by 20+ family members 2 hours later.
People that didn't know her truly missed out on knowing the best woman around. She was the epitome of a Christian woman. She served her community and her church daily. She traveled the world visiting churches and missionaries. She helped found African Christian Schools with her late husband. She started a Monday Meals program where she delivered 40+ meals to shut-ins.
In the Bible it says there are different houses in heaven. I know that when I get to heaven, I will look for the area with the biggest mansions and that's where I will find our Gigi!
Gigi with Cohen

Four generations.
Oh, how our hearts miss Gigi and yearn for her sweetness and love.  Yet we are only separated from her for a short while.
Blessings for a wonderful 2013!!

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